There's a lot you could worry about...but does it really help?
The New Oxford American Dictionary defines worry as "give way to anxiety or unease; allow one's mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles". Does dwelling on difficulty or troubles actually *do* anything about what you're worrying about?
If there's some sort of action step you can take to make whatever it is more positive do that, however most of the time we worry about things we have absolutely no control over. All this does is amp up our stress levels (and all the bad physical and psychological effects of prolonged stress). Acknowledge what you are worried over, your feelings are valid but staying in that state only serves to harm you. No, things won't always turn out the way you hope but worrying about it usually just makes the problem/issue grow in our thoughts.
It is in these times we all can benefit by turning to the Reiki Precept: Just for today, I will not worry. Even if you aren't attuned to Reiki this can be helpful. By all means, acknowledge your feelings, no bypassing here! but then take a deep breath and don't dwell.